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Family Law Edinburgh

divorce & separation

Divorce and Separation Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful

Whether it’s something you’ve been wanting to do for a while or it has been sprung on you out of nowhere, the immediate assumption is that divorce and separation are stressful. In fact, a lot of people delay splitting from a partner simply because they
Family Lawyer Edinburgh

Why It’s Best to Keep a Divorce Out of Court

When you’re in the process of divorcing, you’re not going to be in the best place emotionally to make the important decisions that court proceedings will require you to make. Plus, going to court is surely the last thing that you’ll want to do when
collaborative Law Family Law Edinburgh

Assessment of Sustainability of Collaborative Law

Introduction This assessment is to help you assess if Collaborative Law would be of benefit. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with these statements using the following numbering system: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral (or doesn’t apply) Agree Strongly Agree   My ability to

Family Law Edinburgh

The Importance of Using a Family Law Specialist

If you’re currently considering a permanent separation or you’re beginning the process of divorcing, you should seek help from family law Edinburgh. Though most lawyers will have the professional ability to assist you through this tough time, only a family law specialist will be able

Family Lawyer Edinburgh

What To Look For in a Family Lawyer

If you’re in the process of divorcing or you’re considering a separation from your spouse or partner, you are sure to be looking for a family lawyer. There are a number of family lawyers in Edinburgh to choose from and deciding between the best isn’t